Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting around in Sikasso city, Mali

The streets here are full of all manner of transportation; bikes, scooters, carts and walking being the main ways people get around. The few trucks and SUVs seem to have the right away, as they will enter a roadway even is there is a scooter or bicycle already on the road onto which the SUV is turning. The thing that stands out the most for me is the number of women who drive motorbikes. They look stunning in their long dresses and head scarves, their purses hanging from the handlebar.

A Chinese made bike costs about $1000US. The average teacher earns about $4000US per year. One of my students has a Chinese made "Honda" that cost about $800US four years ago.

The morning rush is quite a sight with bikes, motorbikes, rickety cars, carts and pedestrians sharing the road.

The picture is part of our route to work in the morning. The sky is hazy which could mean rain.

1 comment:

  1. The photos are great. I think that's one of the carts that you described in the 2nd picture on the left. It looks hand-made.
