Friday, April 2, 2010

Groovin' Malian style

Today was the final day of the workshop: Students gave their presentations of lesson plans using active methods, speeches by local official, pictures taken, certificates (divided among all of the VIPs) were handed out, and the facilitators gave some parting thoughts. I used some wise person's words about teachers at times needing to strive to be not always be the "sage on the stage" but rather the "guide on the side". I asked who knew what a guide is and the reply came "who shows the way". How lovely.

Later in the day, Abou, the Save director for this area organized a "balafon". Balafon is a traditional instrument, like xylophone. There were also drums and singers. The party really got going when Massa, the elder of the class, a true gentleman with impeccable manners, arrived. Immediately after he got off his motor bike, he began to dance. Everyone cheered and soon we were all up dancing. I will only say that I did us proud and many seemed impressed by my dancing ability. The picture is not great of me but I will include it because Tom says people want action shots of me! It doesn't do my 'moves' justice!!Haha.

The singer even sang a song about me. The only word I understood was Patricia. I think this is something they do because before that they sang the praises in a long song of one of the Save employees, a woman. She had been kind and generous to them, giving them food and money when they needed it.

A fun time was had my all. Good night. I think I will sleep well tonight. Hope you are all well.

1 comment:

  1. Groovin' Malian style sounds perfect. Good for you for representing Canadians as great dancers.
